How To Repair Corrupted Pen Drive Or SD Card

Repair corrupted pen drive or SD card


                             Hello Friends!! Welcome to Inform Queen. Today I am going to show you that HOW TO REPAIR CORRUPTED PEN DRIVE OR SD CARD STEP BY STEP.
 Dealing with our CORRUPTED PEN DRIVE or CORRUPTED SD CARD is a very frustrating work. After spending so much hours trying to REPAIR  CORRUPTED PEN DRIVE OR SD CARD we land up in a lonely land surrounded by the vast ocean on all sides or in simple words we are dumb founded.  You might have seen online forums full of questions like “ HOW TO REPAIR CORRUPTED SD CARD “ or “HOW TO REPAIR CORRUPTED PEN DRIVE” and when you are unable to find the perfect article as GOOGLE is filled up with fake materials, you throw away your pen drive or SD card.

So, in today’s article to save your SD card or Pen Drive taking a tour of a Dustbin, I am going to show you VARIOUS METHODS TO REPAIR YOUR CORRUPTED SD CARD OR PEN DRIVE. So, let’s begin….But don’t forget to Share this post.

Different methods to repair your corrupted pen drive or sd card:


This process involves using Windows Command prompt (CMD). You only have to enter some CMD commands and it will FORMAT CORRUPTED SD CARD/ PEN DRIVE.


1.    Connect the corrupted pen drive or SD card to your computer.
2.    Hover your mouse on the Start button and Right Click or go to “ Search program and files” after clicking the Star button and search for CMD.
3.    Click Command Prompt (Admin). A CMD window will open.
4.    Type diskpart and press Enter.
5.    Type list disk and press Enter. A list of all the storage devices connected to your computer will be displayed.
6.    Type select disk <the number of your disk> and press Enter. (Example: select disk 1). Important: Make sure you enter the number correctly. Otherwise, you may format your internal hard drive. You can type list disk again to check whether you are going correctly. There will be a star (asterisk symbol) before the name of the selected disk.
7.    Type clean and press Enter.
8.    Type create partition primary and hit Enter.
9.    Type active.
10.            Type select partition 1.
11.            Type format fs=fat32 and press Enter. The format process will finish in a few minutes. You can write NTFS instead of fat32 if you want to carry files larger than 4 gigabytes. Don’t close the CMD until the work is finished.

Repair corrupted SD card or Pen Drive using Windows Explorer:
This is the most widely used procedure to repair a connected storage media by using  Windows Explorer.
1.    Open My Computer or This PC.( depending on your Windows version)
2.    Select the corrupted drive and Right Click.
3.    Click Format in the drop down menu.
4.    Click Restore Device Defaults in the popup window.
5.    Click Start to begin the format process. You can uncheck the Quick format option if you want the computer to deep scan the drive/card for errors but this will take time. So, uncheck it only if you fail in the first attempt.
6.    Click Ok in the next dialog box which will warn you that the data will be lost. The format process will complete in a few moments, and you will have your error free SD card or pen drive.



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